


Table of Contents

What is the i-HEART Programme about?

The i-HEART Programme is an Individualised Education Program (IEP). It is a carefully designed plan whereby educator, parents and professionals work closely as a team to provide extra learning support for a child, to achieve a specific set of goals and objectives.

Our Objectives

The purpose of our i-HEART Programme is to meet a child’s needs based on the child’s development at his/ her own pace rather than predetermined developmental expectations based on age range. We also aim to build confidence in the child and to provide a safe environment for the children to develop their individual strengths and discover their learning styles. Our IEP is not for a specific diagnosis but to support children who may have difficulties/ learn differently in school.

How can I tell if my child is eligible for i-HEART Programme/ Who is it for?

A child who needs i-HEART might:

• Struggle to pay attention / appears to be distracted easily

• Have difficulties in staying on task

• Fail to follow rules and instructions accurately

• Have delay in motor skills and hand-eye coordination

• Have difficulties with transitions

• Show poor planning and sequencing (multi-step task)

• Have poor executive functioning skills

• Have poor listening comprehension skills

• Have difficulty accepting changes in routine or transitioning between tasks

The i-HEART Model

Highlights of Our Programme

Highly Individualized Learning

To help your child in achieving full learning potentials, each of the lessons planned in i-HEART is highly individualised and is tailored to meet your child’s needs. The types and levels of support for your child change constantly depend on your child’s progress. In our programme, we also focus on identifying and integrating activities to your child’s preferences. This is to offer consistent opportunities for your child to participate as independently as possible and at his/ her highest level.


Multi-sensory experience

i-HEART Programme helps your child to learn better by engaging more than one sense at a time. Activities and materials involving the use of sight, hearing, movements, and touch, are incorporated to scaffold and enhance your child’s ability to learn and develop.


Well-designed environments

Our centre is equipped with different types of age-appropriate materials and furniture. These equipment are made available to create a visual and interactive experience for your child. In addition, we encourage your child to enjoy different types of play such as example include functional play, constructive play, and dramatic play, by utilising a variety of learning tools and learning spaces in our centre.

How to get my child enrolled?

FAQs about i-HEART

1. What exactly is an IEP in SEED Connections?

IEP stands for Individualised Education Programme, which is the blueprint for your child’s specialised learning experience. In our centre, the IEP itself is a written statement of the educational intervention programme designed to meet your child’s individual needs to cope with daily school life.

The IEP has two general purposes:

a. To set reasonable learning goals for your child; and

b. To state the intervention that the centre will provide for your child.


2. What should I (parents/ guardians) do before the consultation

The purpose of the consultation/ screening is to understand your child’s progress and needs. You can prepare for this consultation by:

a. Making a list of your child’s strengths and weaknesses,

b. Talking to teachers in school to get their feedback about your child,

Write down what you think your child can achieve through the programme at our centre. It helps us to know your expectations and goals you have on the i-HEART Programme.


3. Can I be in the session with my child?

Most children are ready to begin their first session on their own. Our centre is equipped with variety of materials and a comfortable room to safely work through their needs and struggles. It is not necessary for parent to be in the session. But, if your child is very anxious about being separated from a parent, you may join the first session or at the beginning of the first session. This helps to provide your child a sense of security knowing that they are with a trusted adult who is safe to spend time with when you are not present.


4. How long will IEP takes?

Most of the time, it takes an average of 12 to 15 sessions of IEP to meet the goals set forth/ to see progress. The progress can be observed or measured through the learning outcomes and evaluation given.


5. How does IEP works?

Our i-HEART Program is a multi-sensory play-based approach, while reinforcing desired behaviours across time, this semi-structured program gives your child the ability to develop at their own pace. For example, a child who is inflexible and has difficulty with transition, usually shows inability to adapt and to deal with new information/ environment. In this case, we will work to reduce the rigidity by providing a predictable routine for him to settle down during our session, also cues (visual cues/ social cues) for him to know what to expect so this resulted in the increasing of willingness to explore and to adapt to new event.


6. How will I know if the IEP is working?

Progress report will be provided by the teacher/ educator who helps in your child’s IEP. We will discuss the key components of your child’s session with you, either directly after the session or over the phone. During the 10 to 15 minute discussion time, the educator will discuss with you what progress is taking place in the therapy room, and highlights of the learning objectives of the child.
